29 Aug 2020 
Support Center » Knowledgebase » How can I add ClamAV to my CPanel VPS?
 How can I add ClamAV to my CPanel VPS?
Solution To install ClamAV on your CPanel VPS, please follow the following steps:

Activate CPanel Pro here :- http://pro.cpanel.net/activate/

Login to your WHM with your root username and password.

Install CPanel Pro if your VPS does not already have it.

Click on "Addon Modules" on the menu on the left side of the screen (it should be in the section after "System Health".)
Find CPanel Pro in the options. It should say something like:
Name: pro
Author: cPanel Inc.
Installed Version: 1.0rc9
Version: 1.0rc9
Description: cPanel Pro (requires license from http://pro.cpanel.net/activate) !!BETA VERSION!!
Price: free
Check the box that says "Install and Keep Updated".
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.

After CPanel Pro is installed, you can install choose the Addon Modules you want to install.

Click on "Addon Modules" on the menu on the left side of the screen again.
Find ClamAV in the options. It should say something like:
Name: clamavconnector
Author: cPanel Inc.
Installed Version: 0.80-1.0RC1.8
Version: 0.80-1.0RC1.8
Description: Virus Protection for Email and Filemanager Uploads !!BETA VERSION!!
Price: free
Check the box that says "Install and Keep Updated".
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.
ClamAV should now be installed on your VPS and will automatically be updated when CPanel is updated.


UK VPS Team.

Article Details
Article ID: 9
Created On: 16 Dec 2020 08:19 PM

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